© Pierantonio Alberto Maria (Ongarello) Ton 2014
Home Story and Genealogy Who we are Gallery Contacts
We are Ongarello’s descendants living in different countries in the world. Christina and an  important branch of the family lives in Australia where Azzo Ongarello moved together with his  wife Anita Scolari on 1905. Sylvain lives in France where Giosuè Ongarello arrived on xxxxxx.  Both Giosuè and Azzo were born in Casale sul Sile.

The social commitment

Sylvain Ongarello (on the left) during le Conseil de quartier. Sylvain lives with his family in Brest, France. 
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Beato Ongarello

The grave of Beato Ongarello can be found in the church of Madonna Immacolata in Padova.
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Family meeting in Padova

Lanfranco Paronetto and Adriana, Roberta Ton, Pierantonio Ton and Anna, Christina Ongarello, Monique (Ongarello)
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Beato Ongarello

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Beato Ongarello

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cillum ipsum: Ullamco in enim non.

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A detail of the Family tree

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Who we are

Who we are